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Frequently Asked Questions#

This page contains a collection of questions that our users and customers have asked frequently over the time. We strongly encourage you to these FAQs before asking for support, as your question may have already been asked by other users before.

Prior to Purchase#

Is 2Take1 safe?

Yes. Security and stability are the top priorities of Popstar Devs.

Every upcoming feature is deeply stressed and examined by our testing team long before becoming public, so as to make sure all bugs are sorted out. Besides, in the unlikely case that a feature stops working as expected or gets our users banned, it's automatically removed from the menu and sent back to the development and testing stage.

If a feature is in 2Take1Menu, then it is safe.*

With that said, modding always has a small risk. You shouldn't use mods in accounts that are important to you. By using 2Take1Menu, you agree with taking full responsibility of your GTA accounts.

How often/quickly does 2Take1 update?

When GTA Online updates to a new version, 2Take1Menu is among the fastest menus to update; it usually takes Popstar Devs a few hours to bring the menu back online.

Besides, 2Take1Menu usually gets one or two updates per month, which include new features and/or improvements to the existing ones.

What version of Windows does 2Take1 support?

The only OS that is officially supported is Windows 10.

  • Windows 11 seems to be stable, although some users have reported issues.
  • Windows 8.1 should work theoretically, but this is very situational.
  • Windows 7 is completely incompatible; the game will crash when you inject the menu.

Your Windows installation should be located on a physical drive in your computer. Virtual machines or cloud computers are not officially supported. Custom OS builds are not supported either.

Account and Licensing#

I bought a Standard license but now I want the VIP edition of the menu. Can I upgrade my license?

Yes, as long as you meet certain requirements. More information here.

Can I get a discount for a lifetime license if I already own a timed license?

No. License prices are fixed and cannot be changed.

Installation and Usage#

How do I save my settings?

Press F9 to save your settings to the default profile, which will be loaded when 2Take1 is injected. You can also change this key.

Can I move through the menu with a controller?

Yes. Enable Controller Support with the keyboard, then close the menu with keyboard, and you will now be able to open it with a controller. You can see the bindings for controllers in the Usage Guide.

I have a 70% / 60% / TKL Keyboard, how do I use the menu?

Menu navigation keys are bound to the numpad by default; if you do not have a numpad, you will need to modify the keybinds to suit your keyboard. To modify your keys, you will need to open your 2Take1Menu.ini file (located in %appdata%\PopstarDevs\2Take1Menu\) with a text editor such as Notepad, and edit the keys under the [Keys] section.

More information here.

Can I use 2Take1Menu on cloud PCs, virtual machines or other operating systems (Windows 7, 8, 11)?

We only provide official support for Windows 10. Earlier versions of Windows are not supported, and compatibility with cloud systems or virtual machines is not guaranteed either. Compatibility with Windows 11 is limited as well.

Can I use 2Take1Menu with other menus simultaneously (co-load)?

Compatibility with other menus is not officially supported, although technically possible. It is up to you to see if your menu can be co-loaded with 2Take1Menu.

Using other menus revokes your right to ask for help or send a ban report in our Discord server.


How do I add money?

The VIP feature Business Manager can be used to autonomously operate your businesses for you and make money while you play. More information here.

Can I load ASI scripts (such as Menyoo)?

No. 2Take1Menu does not use natives, which are essential for the ScriptHookV library. Our alternative to ASI scripts is the Lua engine.

How can I see info (money, rank, IP, SCID...) of a player in my lobby?

Enable the Player Info Window and look for a player in Online → Online Players.

What do the letters next to people names mean?

Those are player flags, and reveal useful information about players.

Flag Meaning
[Y] Yourself
[F] Friend
[H] Sesion Host
[S] Script Host
[A] R* admin
[D] R* dev
[I] Inactiva
[M] Modder

More information here.

Can I teleport a player to a specific location?

No. That was patched by Rockstar ages ago. You can only send them Apartment Invites, or grab them while in a vehicle with the Editor Mode and teleport it along with you.

Can I gift vehicles?

Not really. At most, you can spawn cars that cost below $50000, upgrade them and have others sell them.


What is RAC?

RAC stands for Rockstar Anti-Cheat.

It means that a player has been flagged by the anti-cheat (mainly by using a bad menu), but this doesn't necessarily mean that he'll be banned.

What are Script and Network Events?

GTA is a P2P game. This means that the session is started and held by the players (clients) in it. This is the reason why every lobby needs a Session Host and a Script Host in order to regulate the network traffic.

In this topology, clients in a lobby sync to each other by sending events over the network (to and from other players). These are known as Network Events, and are defined and handled by the RAGE engine.

There's also one special type of Network Events. These are known as Script Events, and are defined and handled by the game scripts instead.

Script and Network Events are mostly harmless and handled autonomously by the game. However, modders may also manipulate them and send events to other clients manually, for good or bad purposes.

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